Media and Secular Group

Media and Secular Group

Gujarat Police Mock Drill as per report

Gujarat Police Mock Drill as per report

for Hindi translation

Recently Surat Police conducted a anti terror mock drill where cops were holding two dummy terrorists wearing skullcaps. The BJP, minority cell, Gujarat registered its strong objection over this shameful act. Taking clue of this objection, the political-secular group of raised hue-n-cry over this episode. As usual Indian media too joined the noise making band to raise their TRP. It’s ok because media needs TRP and the political-secular group can’t allow even a single occasion to hit Modi below belt. For the time being, it looks that for media & secular group country’s welfare is second priority, their first and foremost target is to hay while sun shines by defaming Modi & his government.

It is universally true that no religion or group of particular persons should be attached with terrorist activities because all persons or maximum people of any religion can’t associate themselves with terrorism. Their conscious will never allow them to help or carry out terrorist activities. At the same time, it is also true, that all terrorists don’t come from foreign land. It is possible that all terror conspiracies are hatched outside of India, the required resources like money & weapons are sent by foreign conspirators, but one can’t deny the existence of terrorist’s helpers & sympathizers inside India. The recent arrests of terrorists & their helpers are amply proof of it. I always wonder that why don’t media & political-secular group enlighten people of India over “Sleeper Cells”? What are these sleeper cells & who are the people who work silently in these cells? For what they work for these cell? Do they work out of poverty & for money only or there is something else which gravitates their dedication towards these sleeper cells? Is it not media & secular group’s duty to expose such persons or group of persons? If media and these political-seculars go on talking about the injustice for a particular section but fails to expose the cancer of terrorism taking its root slowly but steadily then, I am sorry to say that, they would fail in their duty towards their mother-land. At the same time why should not their inaction, to arrest the fetal disease of terrorism, be labeled as only political opportunism? Why we, the people of India, should not presume that they have only one agenda and that is to bring down Modi and his government by all right & wrong methods?

Though medial & secular group would avoid answering these burning question(s). But they must remember that people are watching everybody’s move very closely and at right junction, they would seek answer at very crucial time.

It must be noted very carefully that the phrase “we, the people of India”, covers whole India, all religions & sections of India not only Hindu section. This foot-note has its own importance because some people are bound to make noise over this post by labeling it as anti-Muslim.


Pradeep Shanker