Category: Guest Column

Collection of Essays written by Guest writers

Banking and Inclusion

This unfinished task of Inclusion is of paramount importance for the all round development that the new government envisages. The infrastructure to overcome the challenges would be the primary trigger for the Inclusion of all and sundry into the Financial Mainstream leading to a collaborative business environments which has been sadly missing till now.


Telengana and NaMo Effect

Telengana State in particular requires the ushering in of an uniform civil code. It is the region where Naxalism reared it’s ugly head for decades. Ability of the new Chief Minister to govern is a foregone conclusion but what attains importance is whether Mr.Modi will continue to commit ‘blunders’ of retaining incumbent Governor of Reserve Bank of india in the same way as he has by retaining the ‘architect-governor’ who successfully helped in division of A.P. into Telengana and A.P. States. The question of a ‘ change ‘ does NOT arise when the lot of governors, administrators and coterie remains the same


Right to Education

And in case it is only the Sherlock in me which is imagining a clever plot, then I request the government to ensure that these children get admission in government schools without facing any hassles or humiliation. The families of these kids cannot afford private education and that is why they come to schools like ours, where they somehow save every drop out of their buckets to pay us Rs 300 – 400 each month. If the government does not want us to help them with fulfilling what is actually their duty, of imparting free education to every child, then they need to take a good look at themselves and clean up their system.


Who saved Jessica?

Ms Janani Srinivas (Twitter account @jananisri77) is a homemaker and takes active interest in social welfare and blogs on topics like spirituality, and national interest. Her other hobbies are Origami, music, dance, astrology. Her husband is in IT and they have one daughter who is in school. She intends to travel across the globe and share relevant experiences and learning.
Janani Srinivas
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Who saved Jessica? People come across our path for a reason, although we don’t know at that point of time and what important role they will play in future. It was a cold boring winter evening in Texas and I was waiting in my car at a red signal. Humming slow  songs from my car stereo […]
