One Selfie please


One Selfie please

25th Oct-2014 shall be embossed in golden letters as “One Selfie please” day whenever history of India Journalism is written.  This is the day, when PM Modi invited media personals including journalists on “Diwali Milan”. Please mark my word –media personals including journalists– because till date PMs use to meet Editors & top-notch journalists only. Nobody remembered junior journalists, photographers etc though these are those unknown, unrecognized faces who get kicks for failed/bad stories but never gets due credit when some top story goes viral. Here is another PM, who came from masses and met them with same affection & care as he met with big guns.

PM Modi, after short speech, broke the protocol & mixed with media personal freely, shaking hands with journalists and other media personals including photographers & exchanged pleasantries with them. Many, rather most of them, tried to have selfie with PM and those, who failed in getting one, tried their best to seek help of Photoshop experts to create one.

While it was pleasant surprise to most of them, but at the same time, it gave heart break to ‘Elite & secular’ journalists. Many so-called self-declare patrons of free media who could not attend the function due to variety of reason, mostly not “Not Invited”, showed their frustration for this unorthodox journalist’s meeting.
  • One such journalist Sh. Yashwant Singh writes on his Facebook wall that “मैं आज के दिन को मीडिया के लिहाज से शर्मनाक दिन कहूंगा. पत्रकारिता के छात्रों को कभी पढ़ाया जाएगा कि 25 अक्टूबर 2014 के दिन एक बार फिर भारतीय राजनीति के आगे पत्रकारिता चरणों में लोट गई. ……  जबसे नरेंद्र मोदी प्रधानमंत्री बने हैं, एक बार भी पूरी मीडिया के सामने नहीं आए और न ही सवाल जवाब का दौर किया. शायद इससे पोल खुलने, ब्रांडिंग खराब होने का डर था…………

Not only this gentleman but some top & famous journalists too vent their frustration.

  • Editor Jansatta, Om Thanvi : ”जियो मेरे पत्रकार शेरो! क्या इज्जत कमाई है, क्या सेल्फियाँ चटकाई हैं!”
  • Mukesh Yadav: ”सवाल पूछने की बजाय पीएम साब के साथ सेल्फी लेने के लिए पत्रकारों, संपादकों में होड़ मची है!! शर्मनाक! धिक्कार! निराशा हुई! सवाल के लिए किसकी आज्ञा चाहिए जनाब?”
  • Mohammad Anas : ”लोकतंत्र में संवाद कभी एक तरफा नहीं होता। एक ही आदमी बोले बाकि सब सुने। साफ दिख गया लोकशाही का तानाशाही में कन्वर्जन।”
  • Rahul Pandey  :”आज पत्रकारों के सेल्‍फी समारोह के बाद पि‍छले साल का कहा मौजूं है… आप भी गौर फरमाएं”
  • Very famous Vinod Sharma: ”Facebook flooded with selfies of media persons with our PM. A day to rejoice? Or reflect?”
  • Arun Khare : ”मीडिया ने कलम को झाड़ू में बदल दिया –मोदी । मोदी जी आपने इस सच से इतनी जल्दी परदा क्यों उठा दिया । कुछ दिन तो मुगालते में रहने देते देश को।”
  • Dharmendra Gupta: ”जिस तरह से मीडिया के चम्पादक आज मोदी के साथ सेल्फी खिंचवा कर के उस को ब्रेकिंग न्यूज बना रहे है उस से लगता है की अब लड़ाई भ्रष्ट राजनीतिको के साथ भ्रस्ट मीडिया के खिलाफ भी लड़नी होगी.”
  • In Girish Pankaj : पत्रकारिता का सेल्फ़ीकरण

(Copied from Facebook)

Very frankly, in any democracy, media should be free to express its views. Any curtailment, over their right to express, should be taken very seriously. But at the same time, media should neither judge any person or government with jaundice eyes nor it should work like agents as some journalists worked in Radia Case. It is duty of journalists to address an issue but not an individual, as they do in Modi’s case. They have right to ask about 2002 riots but at the same time they should not shirk in asking about 1984, Bhagalpur & other secular riots and government failure/involvement in these incidents. Media may ask Modi about the apology  but at the same time it should have courage to ask Bee-Queen to tender apology for the loots her gang inflicted upon our nation well under nose of these media fraternities. 

Now in present case, why these journalists are trying to confuse issues. It was ‘Diwali Milan” as it was mentioned in the invitation. It was not a press conformance where question-answer session was to be held. So why raise question about “Press conference.”

And on top of all this, why this media never tried to bring the Mysterious Queen on discussion table. Why this media never throw awkward question about Coal-Scam, 2G scam from previous PM who was always inviting media fraternity. Why media failed to ask the Prince about his hair cuts & why media failed to investigate seriously in land deals of Damad-e-watan? Media also owns many more question which Indian public would like to ask. Do they have courage to face public?

Would the media, which is criticizing Modi and his Media Milan but very eager for “One Selfie Please”, care to answer Indian public about their dubious role in last many decades?


Pradeep Shanker


  1. विनोद तापिडया

    पेट मैं दर्द है सबके । अगर प्रधानमंत्री पत्रकारों से मिले तो क्या ग़लत था ? बहुत सटीक लिखा है ।बधाई के पात्र ।

    1. धन्यवाद…चूँकि मोदी से कोई हेरा फेरी वाला लाभ नही हो सकता है इसलिए परेशान है

  2. 25th May-2014 shall be embossed in golden letters as “One Selfie please” should be 25th Oct-2014..????

  3. Very very bold,very very frank.You asked most pertinent questions.CONGRATS.

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